"Did you leave SA'F? Will you still roleplay elsewhere?
Yes. You can watch "This Year, Everything Changes" on my channel for more information. I will be joining another community with new characters and stories, but please know that roleplay will now be a secondary feature on this channel. See FAQ #3 for more on that!
"Can you do more Fire Dog?/When's the next Fire Dog?"
This storyline is currently closed and the character, Oscar aka Fire Dog, retired. Please don't ask, he will most likely not be returning. It was a great run, but it's time to move on.
What's Next?
As of 2025, I've left SA'F and GTA V content will be secondary to what I really want to do, which is inadequately summed up as "variety". You will see all types of games played here in the future, with some roleplay in a new community as well.
"What's a Damp One?"
YOU are a Damp One! You are a Damp One of the Deep! That is what I call my followers. Don't thank me, it's all very ridiculous haha.
"How do I get in touch with you?"
Easy! For social interaction, join The City of Atlantis, AKA my Discord server. (Link is in the header menu!) I am there talking with Oceanographers very often! It is a kind and inclusive community, everyone is welcome, all I ask is that you remain friendly and polite to your fellow Damp Ones! Other socials are linked on this site.
For serious business inquiries, email oneoceanten@gmail.com
"Do you have a recording/live streaming schedule?"
Schedules are hard for me, so I just try to upload when I can. I really want a dedicated stream schedule for Twitch, so stay tuna, I might be changing that soon!
"Where did you get the name 'OneOceanTen?'"
It came from the first major GTA V series I started on YouTube, which was LSPDFR, a singleplayer police mod that pre-dates FiveM. In LSPDFR, you can program the AI dispatcher to call you a call sign in the format of ##-WORD-##, for example, 2-Delta-13 or 1-Adam-6. The numbers one and ten were always some of my favorite, and I have always loved the ocean and spending time there, so I went with it!
"How often do you upload?"
I do my best to upload weekly, but I struggle with time management and having enough energy to do it all. Staying consistent isn't always possible with my full-time job work schedule and the fact that I do enjoy having a social life offline or take a break from time to time. I am human (mostly), so videos and stream will happen when they happen. Thank you for sticking with me, regardless of consistency.
"How do you do the megaphone/PA System and demon sound effects for your voice?"
I have a GO XLR Sound system, which sadly is no longer a supported sound system. All of my audio goes through that!
"PC Specs?"
â–¼PC SPECSâ–¼
â–º MSI MEG X570 ACE Motherboard
â–º EVGA GeForce RTX 2070
â–º AMD Ryzen 7 3800X 8-Core
â–º Corsair Vengeance 32GB RAM
â–º 5 TB Total SSD/HDD Space
â–º EVGA 1000 GQ, 80+ GOLD 1000W